VIP membership is a fantastic way for you to boost the amount of diamonds and cookies you get on a daily basis. 

At the moment, VIP membership is purchased solely in 30 day packages from the in-game shop. After purchasing a 30 day package, you’ll receive the following in your daily reward:

  • 100 extra diamonds per day (3000 over 30 days.)
  • 20 extra cookies per day (600 in total over 30 days.)

That’s not all: your friendship stamps will also regenerate twice as fast for the duration of your membership AND you’ll get a special VIP graphic added to your profile page. (Just so everyone knows you’re a VIP.) You’ll also get special Trials of Style photoshoot competitions!

As well as the in-game shop, VIP membership can also be purchased from your daily rewards page. You’ll get a warning your membership is about to expire 72 hours in advance. VIP only applies to the avatar you purchase it on.

If you claim your daily reward and THEN purchase VIP membership, you won’t get the bonus for that day. Once your VIP membership ends, you will not get any extra diamonds and cookies until you purchase more membership.

  • Important: If you don’t claim the daily reward during your membership, you won’t get it retroactively.
  • Also important: VIP membership is not a subscription service. Each 30 day membership needs to be confirmed before purchase.