If you don’t want to be friends with someone anymore, tapping on this button will downgrade your relationship with them.
If you would like to report someone, use this button to do so.
If you don’t like something another user is saying, tapping this button will mute them, and you will no longer be able to see what they are saying and they will no longer see what you are saying.
If you are in your private room, this button will block a player from coming into that room.
This is the persons level.
This is the other person’s avatars name.
If someone is a VIP, it will show this symbol above their name.
This area will tell you if someone is in a group. If they are in a group, it will list the name here.
This is where the guests motto,description and any stickers they have decorated their profile with are located.
This is the other persons bio.
If you like someone, and want to make them your friend or upgrade your friendship rank with them, then tap this button and use your friendship stamps.
To have a private conversation with someone that no one else can see, tap this button.
If you tap this button, you’ll be able to follow this person to the room that they are currently in.
If you want to show the other person you think they are great, you can give them a cookie by clicking on the hand. The number on the hand shows how many cookies you have left to give.
This is an ID you can use to identify another user.
You can see the amount of cookies the person has been given by other guests here.
How do I use other people's profile cards?
Last Updated: 701d